“Training with Sarah was possibly one of the best decisions I made!”

Training with Sarah was possibly one of the best decisions I made! Being the lazy person that I am, I never thought I’d say this, but I actually look forward to our sessions. Sarah makes it a point to focus on what’s good for your body, posture and health long term versus just achieving short term results. Having said that, I’ve felt a drastic difference in just 2.5-3 months - not just lost inches, but also feel really good about myself. I’ve become much much stronger; and doing exercises that I thought I’d never be able to do. Sarah’s particularly great at giving easy to understand instructions to accomplish a tough movement - if you blindly listen and do what she’s saying, you’ve got it. She makes it a point to explain the impact of each movement and how it helps improve overall health and posture. She’s super positive and non-pushy - her style is very encouraging and not aggressive, which can become a challenge with certain trainers because you just feel like you’re under undue pressure - making you not look forward to the sessions! I’ve worked with other personal trainers but she’s very invested in your progress and is big on customizing the plan based on your needs. The best part is that she’s not restrictive about what you eat - instead she makes you focus on what nutrition you’re taking in. Meal discussions with her automatically make you smarter with food choices.  This way, you don’t end up starving and your health plan remains sustainable. Overall, I feel much fitter, which has always been my goal - and I owe almost all of that to Sarah. If not for her, I’d be stuffing my face with French fries right now instead of getting ready for cardio!

— KS

Sarah Rehman Training, Toronto ON

“Sarah has shown me I am capable of so much more than I ever would give myself credit for.”

I have never been one to have exercised in any regular way, especially on my own. I have wasted a lot of money on memberships and class bundles, and I’ve never really enjoyed working out.
I needed to try something different, someone to be accountable to, that could work with my family’s schedule and a trainer who would come to my house, giving me no out, no way I could find an excuse not to go.
I did worry about the cost, but as a busy mom of two, I had to find a way to not just get back into shape, but also simply feel good physically.
My back was constantly hurting, I felt tired all the time and I did not feel strong enough to keep up with my daily life.
After a friend encouraged me to contact her I immediately felt connected to Sarah. She is very knowledgeable and passionate about fitness and has a smile that won’t let you quit. She is very flexible and understanding to my family’s needs and has even trained me with my two kids running around us.
Sarah has made fitness a part of my life and made me more conscious about what food I’m choosing to put into my body.
I am still not where I want to look physically- it’s a work in progress, but I have found relief in my back and body pains and have so much more energy. Sarah has shown me I am capable of so much more than I ever would give myself credit for. And though I have to shoot her a dirty look sometimes when she pushes me out of my limits, I am so happy that I chose her. She always has a smile on her face, is an energetic, caring, enthusiastic and positive person who makes me laugh....and I’m actually starting to enjoy exercising...but don’t tell her that lol.

— LS

Sarah Rehman Training, Toronto ON

“Caring, professional and focused.”

Sarah is an amazing trainer. From our first meeting she really took my personal needs and issues into account and continues to incorporate them into every single workout – from past health issues and nutrition to injuries and even mental health. The amount of detail she takes the time to provide for each workout is so amazing. She is always encouraging and supportive, not to mention fun! We always have great conversation and laughs during my workouts, and my young daughter has developed a real bond with her. She has a knack for health and wellness, and understanding the body as a whole and how exercise can truly help any issue. It’s great to see someone who is passionate about their chosen profession and willing to spread positive energy and encouragement to others. I would recommend her to anyone!

— Susan King

Sarah Rehman Training, Ajax ON

“Long lasting problems due to injury”

I have met Sarah for personal training and my goal was getting stronger. But suprisingly she was also very knowledage on posture and how important it is for my issues. She pointed out how i arch my back annd she set a prigram to correctthe issues. I felt so much better and imporivement on my pains and headaches when i follow the training with her. She is very compassinate and energic and knowledgable. I am very impressed and i would recommend her strongly

— E. B.

Lifetime Athletic, Ajax ON


“Passionate, Encouraging, and Knowledgeable”

When I was starting my fitness journey, I was extremely lucky to be matched with Sarah. She guided me through not only the HOW of each movement but also the WHY. The knowledge she has provided me has become so invaluable as I have continued on my journey. Sarah planned fitness programs around my personal goals and was a constant encourager inside and outside of the gym. She always maintains a positive and upbeat attitude throughout our workouts - always pushing me to do more and to perform at my best. Sarah has a real passion for fitness and overall wellness and she puts her heart into helping each and every client reach their goals.

— Ashley F.

Movati Athletic, Waterloo ON


Loved by Clients Across Facilities

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