A Sample Training Session

A Skills-Based Introductory Session includes a complete full-body sample workout including exercises that are appropriate for the client, and coaching throughout the workout.

Clients will come out of the Skills-Based Introductory Session with one sample workout that they can repeat on their own, an experience of what their workouts should feel like, and knowledge on how to perform exercises safely.


A Complete Training Session Outline

Clients will receive a training session outline for a full-body workout that is designed according to the client’s goals, preferences, and abilities. This resource will include a list of the exercises that were completed during the workout, the reps, sets, rest time, and weights that were used, and suggestions on whether to advance or regress, depending on how difficult the exercise felt. Clients will be able to take this resource and repeat this workout on their own after completing it with the guidance of their trainer.

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Experience What Your Workout Should Feel Like

During this session, clients will experience what appropriate workouts should feel like when the correct amount of repetitions, weight, and rest time are performed. Clients will experience what it feels like when exercises are performed correctly with proper form, and while activating the correct muscles. Clients who experience pain will gain solutions on how to perform exercises pain-free and how to avoid pain during day to day movements.

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Guidance on How to Perform Exercises Safely

Clients will be provided with step by step instructions on how to perform exercises safely and effectively. Clients will be coached throughout the entire workout, and will gain an understanding of how these instructions will protect them from injury. Following this session, clients will be able to perform exercises on their own in a safe manner using the techniques learned in this session.