Personalized Recommendations and Solutions

A Knowledge-Based Introductory Session includes an in-depth analysis of a client’s goals, lifestyle, and experiences. Clients are provided with recommendations and explanations on why certain aspects of their training program are essential, and why difficulties are currently experienced (lack of progress, pain, etc.).

Clients leave this session with an exercise program designed for their schedule and goals, nutrition recommendations, and an understanding of why they are experiencing pain. By the end of this session, clients will understand why they should be training a certain way, performing certain exercises, and eating certain nutrients, and how they can avoid future pain and injury.

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Understanding The Client: How Current Lifestyle is Impacting Outcomes

During this session, clients will discuss their goals and lifestyle details with their trainer. Clients will learn how their current schedule, occupational demands, and lifestyle are contributing to pain & muscle tightness/imbalances, if experienced. Clients will learn whether their current workout routine is appropriate for their goals, and why this is the case. Clients will leave this session with an understanding of why difficulties are being experienced, which will allow the trainer and client to develop appropriate solutions.

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Personalized Nutrition Recommendations

Clients will provide a breakdown of their typical day’s nutrition, and will gain an analysis of whether their current nutrition matches the nutritional demands of the workouts that will be assigned. Clients will learn why certain nutrients are needed at certain times (before and after workouts, for example), and what types of foods contain the nutrients needed. Clients will leave this session with an understanding of why certain nutrients are needed at certain times in order to successfully achieve their goals and suggestions of options that will work well for the client’s preferences and lifestyle.

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Developing a Weekly Training Plan

Based on the information gained from the client involving their goals, schedule, and lifestyle, a complete training program will be provided. This program will include both cardio / aerobic training guidelines as well as strength / resistance training guidelines, and a schedule of when to complete each workout. Clients will learn how their training sessions should vary from week to week in order to progressively advance and allow sufficient recovery.

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Understanding Reps, Sets, and Rest

Clients will leave this session with resources including a breakdown of why a certain amount of repetitions, sets, rest, and weight are essential in order to reach their particular goals. Clients will learn how to use these tools effectively in order to achieve the outcomes that they wish to accomplish. Certain types of training are required for different training goals, and clients will be prescribed specific values for different body parts, exercises, and workout days, depending on their goals.


Understanding Exercise Selection

Specific exercises are required for each client’s unique goals, preferences, and abilities. Each exercise will challenge the body in a unique way, placing different types of loads on the body, and leading to a particular result. Clients will leave this session with an understanding of why certain exercises are required for their particular goals and pain/injury rehabilitation.